Using the login information you just created during registration. You will get an email confirmation with all details. This login is valid for 180 days and you can share it with whoever needs.
Instantly gain access to our entire library of videos, available from anywhere in the world streamed in HD in a comprehensive easy to use format. You can share your login information with whoever needs to learn.
Pick a song and start dancing. You'll look like a professional dancer in no time.
Our videos contain easy to follow, step by step instructional videos so you can make your event the talk of the town. You don't need any previous dance experience. We got it all covered!
Yes, this is perfect for beginners! We break down each step and keep it simple so its easy to follow. You’ll be on the dance floor all night with these moves!
ALL OF THEM! Once your account is active you will have instant access to our entire catalog and any videos added.
Every month – we upload new videos so you stay on top of all of the latest songs! We have a mix of old and new songs so you are never without content. If you have a song you want to do but you don't see it on our list - simply shoot us an email at [email protected].
We know your busy and can't be bothered with trying to find songs or creating routines for the whole family and bridal party to learn. Forget finding choreography, recording, uploading and sending out numerous different links to different groups of people. One login. Share unlimited access. Everyone starts learning. It's that simple.
7 day free trial!50% Complete