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Bollywood Dance Heals A Broken Heart

Feb 14, 2024
bolylywood dance

Years ago, during a crucial dance class preparing for a performance, one of my teenage students suddenly burst into tears. She had seemed a bit off at the start of class, but nothing too alarming. Concerned, I took her aside to find out what was wrong. She confided that she had just gone through a breakup with her long-term boyfriend and was in deep despair. She asked if she could leave.

I pondered the situation. While she was clearly distraught, I knew from personal experience that dance had the power to uplift spirits. So, I suggested she stay and finish the class with her friends, reassuring her that it might help her feel a bit better. Reluctantly, she agreed and resumed the class. As she left, she appeared slightly improved, and by the following week, she was back to her usual self.

But why did I encourage her to stay? If she had left, she would have been consumed by negative emotions—sadness, frustration, and anger. I wanted to shift her focus to something more positive, and dance had the potential to do just that. After all, it was one of the reasons she joined the class in the first place. Dance has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and boost mood by releasing dopamine. While it might not have an instant effect, continuing to dance, surrounded by friends and high energy music, could gradually lift her spirits.

Can Bollywood dance help mend a broken heart? We all experience tough times, particularly in relationships. Personally, I've found solace in dance during my own low moments.  I firmly believe in its healing power. Concepts like dance therapy utilize coordinated and expressive movement to enhance overall well-being.

So yes, I truly believe dance can aid in healing a broken heart. As Rumi famously said, "Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free."