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Bollywood Dance Performance Checklist

Feb 22, 2024
bollywood dance

We offer a wide range of classes, all of which involve performances. These classes provide students with numerous opportunities to showcase their progress on stage throughout the semester. As our class offerings continue to expand and class sizes grow, it becomes increasingly important to provide detailed information about these performances.

To ensure that everyone is well-informed and prepared for these events, we have developed a comprehensive performance checklist that we share with both parents and students. This checklist covers essential details such as:

  1. Date, Time, and Address: This information is provided as soon as a performance opportunity arises. It allows students to plan their travel and also enables friends and family members who wish to attend to make necessary arrangements.

  2. Show Time: This indicates the advertised start time of the program. It ensures that everyone knows when to arrive and when the performance will commence.

  3. Performance Time: This provides an approximate estimate of when our students will grace the stage with their performance.

  4. Reporting Time: Distinct from the show and performance time, the reporting time is crucial. We typically schedule this at least 1 - 1.5 hours before the actual performance to ensure all logistical needs are met and performers have ample time to prepare.

  5. Ticket Pricing: While performers are typically provided complimentary tickets for ticketed events, it's important to note that friends and family members attending as audience members may need to purchase tickets. Considering the potential cost, providing this information in advance helps families decide which performances they can attend.

  6. Costume: Even if it's a familiar costume, providing detailed information about it is essential. Including an image or visual reference of the costume ensures clarity on how it should look.

  7. Hairstyle: Uniform hairstyles contribute to the overall presentation. Providing clear specifications, along with helpful resources like YouTube tutorials, ensures consistency and helps parents, especially newcomers, achieve the desired look.

  8. Makeup: Attention to makeup details is crucial for a polished performance. Specifying eyeshadow colors, blush/bronzer application, lipstick shades, and providing visual references aids in achieving uniformity across the team.

  9. Jewelry: Consistent jewelry choices enhance the team's aesthetic appeal. Guidance on earring styles, necklace lengths, and bracelet preferences ensures a cohesive look on stage.

  10. Extra Items: These are essential items that may easily be overlooked but are indispensable backstage. Including items such as bobby pins, safety pins, hair clips, hair ties, hair spray, combs, spare leggings, and a change of clothes in the dance bag ensures preparedness for any unforeseen circumstances.

  11. Dance Shirt/Jacket: Representing the dance team with pride, having the appropriate dance team merchandise adds a touch of unity and spirit to the performance.


While this checklist may seem extensive, creating a template with these essential items streamlines the process. It becomes a one-time effort that benefits both the team and the community by ensuring smooth, well-prepared performances.