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How Do You Choreograph?

Feb 20, 2024
bollywood dance

As a dance teacher, I have a unique approach to choreography that often raises eyebrows: I write down all my dance steps! People often ask me, "How do you 'write' down a dance?" It's a method that was passed down from my own dance teacher who always had her routines neatly documented on a clipboard.

Over the years, I've noticed that every instructor has their own style, which reflects their personality. Here are some of the diverse methods I've come across:

  1. Writing Down Steps: I carry a little spiral notebook everytime I walk into teach. Inside, you'll find hundreds of dance routines, each represented by a quirky combination of symbols, letters, and numbers. It's like my own secret language. While it may seem chaotic to others, it's how I make sense of the dances I create.

  2. Video Archives: Some instructors prefer to save videos of their routines on their phones. This is a fantastic method because the instructor can see exactly how the steps should look, and it helps with remembering the choreography when practiced alongside the music.

  3. Creating On the Spot: Then there are the instructors who can whip up a routine on the fly! I have so much respect for their talent. They walk into the studio with just an idea, and as soon as the music starts playing, they're choreographing (and teaching) away. It's an incredible sight to witness.

At the end of the day, no matter the method, our goal as dance teachers is to help our students grow in skill and confidence. As long as we show up with enthusiasm and dedication, our students will adapt to our teaching style and flourish as dancers.